Architectural Design ll
The objectives of this project:​
To introduce the notions of concepts, program and process in architectural design.
To introduce students to the understanding of user specific design requirements.
To introduce the notions of space, form and function in architectural design.
To introduce awareness of site-specific design and the process of site analysis
In this individual project, the task at hand is to design a wildlife discovery unit situated in Taman Botani Negara (National Botanical Park), Shah Alam. The project involves conducting several site visits and analyses as a group, conducting individual research, and studying precedents related to materiality and foundations. Armed with this research and a thorough understanding of the site, we embark on the design process for the wildlife discovery unit. Our design will be informed by the information gathered through research and will respond to the unique characteristics and context of the site. The aim is to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing unit that harmonizes with the surrounding environment and provides an engaging experience for visitors.
Site Visit & Researches
We are to conduct thorough research and seek inspiration from various online sources. One common approach is to engage in precedent studies, which involve examining and analyzing existing designs to gain insights into their strategies, material choices, and construction methods. By studying successful precedents, we can learn from established design principles and incorporate them into our own projects.
Design Draft
Following the research phase, I engage in an exploratory process where I generate various designs and approaches. During this brainstorming session, I allow ideas to flow freely, fostering a creative environment. Subsequently, in the design stage, I combine the strengths of each idea and address their weaknesses, incorporating amendments and refinements to create the final design. This iterative process ensures that the design maximizes its positive attributes while addressing any potential shortcomings.
Final Model
Before I begin constructing the final model. This approach helps minimize the risk of miscommunication between the drawings and the final model. By ensuring that the drawings accurately depict the intended design, I can proceed with greater confidence, knowing that the final model will closely align with the initial concept. This attention to detail in the drawings helps maintain clarity and consistency throughout the design and construction process.
In this assignment, the chosen site,, presents unique challenges that must be carefully considered in the design process. These considerations have led me to develop solutions and incorporate detailing that not only address these challenges but also transform them into distinctive and visually appealing features of my structure. I have created design solutions that not only address the disadvantages but also turn them into captivating and standout features of the tropical sanctuary.
Throughout the completion of two previous group projects, I have now reached the final project, which is an individual assignment. These past experiences have taught me the significance of effective time management and striking a balance between my academic responsibilities and personal life. Engaging in these projects has proven to be an invaluable learning opportunity, enabling me to expand my knowledge base and refine my skills. By delving into comprehensive research on materiality and stability, utilizing online platforms as well as consulting with my tutors, I have acquired a wealth of knowledge. This newfound understanding has played a crucial role in my personal growth and development as a student, paving the way for continuous improvement in my academic pursuits.