Industrialised Building System
Advanced Architectural Construction
The objectives of this project:
To develop students’ understanding in different types of IBS construction method.
To apply appropriate IBS construction method in the design of building.
To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of IBS construction process through report writing.
To foster good communication skills among group members through proper delegation of works and production of deliverables
This is a group assignment which predominantly relate to the topic of Industrialised Building System (IBS). Before embarking on this project students will be exposed to different types and methods of the IBS system and the calculation of IBS scoring in the classroom. Firstly, each group are required to design a 3-storey apartment block using mainly IBS components.
In this project, we formed a group of 5 members. My group members are Hayden Teh, Tan Jun Kai, Marcus Pang and Lim Yee Leong. We performed a study on an apartment, which was constructed partially using IBS method. We identified the IBS components used.
Next, we designed apartment units of within 100 sqm per unit and each unit consisting of a living hall, a dining area, three bedrooms and two toilets. The design incorporates IBS structure and components with appropriate sizes. The report includes the concept and framework of proposed IBS categories, relevant drawings, sequence of construction and schedule of modular components.
Our chosen case study was the Verando Residence at Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tan Jun Kai was in charge of doing the digital model for the apartment units using REVIT. Everyone participated in the report, and Lim Yee Leong and I compiled the report.
After completing this project, I am now able to identify and collect relevant research data of the precedent studies and explain architectural and structural documentations clearly and accurately. Through this project, I learnt to relate basic structural elements and structural principles in construction. I am now able to analyse and document construction methods and materials precisely and throughly. I have also posessed the knowledge regarding the methods of calculating the IBS Score.
I have learned that by using technology, better efficiency and productivity can be achieved. In this period, technology has helped us complete our assignments and served as a platform for us to communicate with our groupmates and lecturers. drawings with appropriate construction details and use established architectural drawing conventions.
Other than that, I also gained more understanding on cultural, historical and established architectural theories, philosophies and context. Last but not least, i learnt that it is important to listen to others and have open discussions with my groupmates when I work in a team with others.